Carrick IssuesCarrick Issues

Track GitHub Issues directly from Help Scout

Create issues in one click.

Create issues in one click

Discuss issues where your team works.

Discuss issues where your team works

Stay informed about issue status.

Stay informed about issue status

One price for your entire team.


  1. Help Scout Live Sidebar
  2. Customizable Issue Templates
  3. Unlimited Mailboxes and Users
  4. Unlimited Linked Repositories
  5. Issues Linked and Available Forever
Install For Free14-day Trial

What issue trackers do you support?

Currently we support GitHub Issues. We have planned integrations with GitLab and Trello. If there's another integration you're looking for, let us know!

Is this going to require access to read our code?

Nope! You can choose just the specific repositories you want, and then the integration <b>only</b> gets access to read/write GitHub Issues.

Can I customize the issue text?

Yep! Each repository can have its own GitHub Issue template. There's a variety of merge fields you can insert into the templates to get everything exactly as you want it.

Can I get a list of all tickets for an issue?

Yes! The initial comment created by Carrick will have a link that will show you all of the related Help Scout tickets.

Need something different?

With years of development experience and intimate knowledge of the Help Scout platform, Carrick is the perfect partner for your custom Help Scout app.